TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View of the Market
Todd Market Forecast |
(January 29, 2022)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds three new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull Stock Market, Bond Market, and Gold Market."
(January 28, 2022)
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Market Timing in Australia
Saturday, March 26, 2022 On short-to-medium term trend analysis both the Australian and US equity markets have gone bullish notwithstanding fears that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will destabilize Europe and push up already high oil, gas, and grain prices. Also, investors seem to have shrugged off concerns about runaway inflation prompting central banks to withdraw support for bonds and lift official cash rates. On medium-to-long term trend analysis, both markets are bullish though they came close to going bearish in mid-March. Notwithstanding rising interest rates, a rolling pandemic, and now the Ukraine war, the outlook for company earnings globally remains strong. And many companies are using temporary supply shortages to permanently increase their prices and thereby their profit margins. |
Saturday, March 26, 2022
My current stock market signal is a sell signal issued on March 21, 2022.
My short-term cycles are negative through April 12. In February the market declined more than 10% in less than ten trading days. "IF" the bear market remains in force, the decline over the next few weeks should be greater than the February decline. Comment on indicators: PPE: Price to Peak Earnings shows the market is overvalued similar to past extremes like the extremely overvalued markets in 2000, 1987, 1973, 1966, 1929,1901. Combined NYSE and Nasdaq advance-decline volume has not climaxed to the downside and suggests the pattern of lower highs and lower low market declines will continue. COT updates: S&P 500 - Positive Nasdaq - Positive Russell 2000 - Positive Gold - Positive Silver - Neutral Swiss - Positive |
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