TimerTrac Developer Spotlight:
Reppond Investments, Inc. (Ben Reppond)

 News Items:
(March 18, 2021)
Trend Focused Investor (TFI) starts tracking with 4 new strategies called "TFI S&P 500 Long Only, Long/Short and Nasdaq Long Only and Long/Short."
(March 15, 2021)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. changes the name of one strategy from "ProfitScore - LTSX" to "ProfitScore Equity Advantage Adaptive."
(March 13, 2021)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. ends the tracking of two strategies called "ProfitScore Equity Plus and Equity Max."
(February 26, 2021)
Ramsland Technology changes developer name to Pattern Timing and adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Pattern Timing TQQQ and QLD."
(February 20, 2021)
System Research LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "System Research Bond Signal."
(February 18, 2021)
Equity Defense adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Equity Defense Rocket Profit in Down Days."
(February 12, 2021)
Developer name changes from Michael Hartmann to WNRS Pathfinder.
(February 3, 2021)
Developer name changes from W. Wall and Company, Inc to Warren Wall.
(February 1, 2021)
Equity Defense starts tracking with 7 new strategies. Each strategy name indicates the % invested in each fund.
(February 1, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd ends the tracking of four strategies called "Teabull ST Bond Market Premium, ST Gold Market Premium, MT Bond Market Premium, and MT Gold Market Premium."
(January 26, 2021)
OraclePM and The No-Load Fund Advisor, both managed by the same individual, end the tracking of all strategies.

Developer Information

Trade History

Performance Graph
Sunday, March 21, 2021
The global commodity risk benchmark (GCBR) remained at a low-risk level. The GCBR closed higher at 15%. The commodity market sub-risk ratings closed between 10% (energy commodities) and 18% (agriculture commodities).
Quick info: Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.
The comprehensive and broad global commodity risk score (GCBR) tracks a basket of 26 commodities, such as the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil.
Market Timing in Australia
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Australia's Market
The Australian stock market continues to be bearish on short-to-medium-term trend analysis. Its MACD momentum oscillator going negative after Friday 19th February. The All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis.
America's Market
America’s S&P500 share index remains marginally bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis, falling by 0.8% over the last week. The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong.
Leveraged Momentum
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Uncertainty continues to cause volatility. When will enough doses of the vaccines be administered to develop herd immunity? Will the stimulus continues to cause inflation and lead to higher interest rates and if so for how long and which sectors will be impacted the most? Which sectors have been permanently impaired by the pandemic and various countermeasures--and will the growth some sectors have experienced continue?
Our LevBands strategy continues to experience whiplash when it sells UPRO due to its price falling to its stop price (CYA) and then buys it back when it rises to its indicator within a day or two (buy low). An order is scheduled to sell the current UPRO position when it falls to its stop price again (CYA). (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +23.84% for the LevBands strategy since tracking began on 4/27/16).
TQQQTrends remains in TQQQ (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +40.52% since tracking began on 11/24/18). FNGUTrends (previously known as Leveraged FANG) remain in FNGU (performance data will be referenced 15 days after one year of tracking on TimerTrac which began 4/7/20).
Performance data and charts for each of these strategies along with the index of your choice (for comparison) can be obtained on the Graphs page of the TimerTrac site.
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd
Monday, March 22, 2021
Stock Market ST
Our Teabull ST Stock Market Oscillator is located just below its TBX Index. Thus, as of the close of trade on March 19/21, we are on a Short-Term “Buy” signal for the major US Stock Indexes.
Stock Market MT
Our Teabull MT Stock Market Oscillator is located significantly above its TBX Index. Thus, as of the close of trade on March 19/21, we are on a Medium-Term “Sell” signal for the major US Stock Indexes.
Stock Market IT
Our Teabull IT Stock Market Oscillator is located well above its TBX Index. Thus, as of the close of trade on March 19/21, we are on an Intermediate-Term “Sell” signal for the major US Stock Indexes.
Stock Market LT
Our Teabull LT Stock Market Oscillator is located well below its TBX Index. Thus, as of the close of trade on March 19/21, we are on a Long-Term “Buy” signal for the major US Stock Indexes.
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