TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19
FibTimer |
(April 16, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull XLT Stock Market Premium and Composite Stock Market Premium."
(April 13, 2021)
RISXX Inc. adds two new strategies to be tracked called "RISXX Gold Risk Strategy and US Bond Risk Strategy."
(April 6, 2021)
ETFOptimize.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "ETFOptimize ULTIMATE 6-Model (9 ETF) Combo Strategy."
(March 18, 2021)
Trend Focused Investor (TFI) starts tracking with 4 new strategies called "TFI S&P 500 Long Only, Long/Short and Nasdaq Long Only and Long/Short."
(March 15, 2021)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. changes the name of one strategy from "ProfitScore - LTSX" to "ProfitScore Equity Advantage Adaptive."
(March 13, 2021)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. ends the tracking of two strategies called "ProfitScore Equity Plus and Equity Max."
(February 26, 2021)
Ramsland Technology changes developer name to Pattern Timing and adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Pattern Timing TQQQ and QLD."
(February 20, 2021)
System Research LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "System Research Bond Signal."
(February 18, 2021)
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Performance Graph |
Monday, May 3, 2021 Uncertainty continues to cause volatility. Is the stimulus causing inflation which will lead to higher interest rates and if so for how long and which sectors will be impacted the most? Which sectors have been permanently impaired by the pandemic and various countermeasures? Which sectors will continue to experience growth and higher earnings? Will we reach regional herd immunity or continue to experience Covid-19 outbreaks? Our LevBands strategy is holding UPRO and has an order scheduled to sell when it falls to its stop price again (CYA). (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +26.18% for the LevBands strategy since tracking began on 4/27/16). TQQQTrends remains in TQQQ (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +51.52% since tracking began on 11/24/18). FNGUTrends remains in FNGU ( TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +535.12% since tracking began on 4/7/20). Performance data and charts for each of these strategies along with the index of your choice (for comparison) can be obtained on the Graphs page of the TimerTrac site. |
Saturday, May 1, 2021 Broadly, the proprietary market cycle forecast is positive through July 2021, and then generally negative through November 2022. Based on “Price to Peak Earnings,” the fundamental market valuations are at extreme levels only previously seen at the tops in 1929, and at the dot com bubble peak in 2000. Based on the cycle forecast and the overvalued condition, Stock Index Timing.com sees the possibility of the US Stock Market completing the 18-month “double” since the S&P 2,500 price level in March of 2020, moving to near S&P 5,000 by mid-2021, then doing a complete 18-month retrace returning to near S&P 2,500 by November 2022. The new Stock Index Timing.com service looks to move with the market, both long and short, in the short term swings as the market moves up another 20% by mid-2021, then falls 50% into the mid-term elections. |
Sunday, May 2, 2021 The US stock market risk rose to a low-risk level of 23%. US tech stock risk closed higher at a low-risk reading of 28%. The global stock risk rating increased to a low-risk reading of 24%. Quick info: The comprehensive and broad global stock risk rating (GSMR) is tracking 101 stock markets of developed and emerging countries (e.g., US stock market). |
Sunday, May 2, 2021 Australia's Market The Australian stock market in the last three weeks has lost momentum and is stalling again. The All-Ord’s index in mid-April finally surpassed its previous high of 7,255.2 on the 20th of February 2020. Last week the All-Ords index fell 0.4%, ending a dismal fortnight. Nevertheless, it is still up 3.9% this month. Presently, both the short-to-medium-term trend and the medium-to-long term trend analyses are bullish. America's Market America’s S&P500 share index is now strongly bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis. Since the index last bottomed on the 24th of March it is up an amazing 7.5%. But like the Australian All-Ords index, it has stalled for the last fortnight making no advance. Its momentum went negative a week ago. The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong. The Coppock is now at its highest level since July 2010. |
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