TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

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News 0.3
News Items:

(April 16, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull XLT Stock Market Premium and Composite Stock Market Premium."
(April 13, 2021)
RISXX Inc. adds two new strategies to be tracked called "RISXX Gold Risk Strategy and US Bond Risk Strategy."
(April 6, 2021)
ETFOptimize.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "ETFOptimize ULTIMATE 6-Model (9 ETF) Combo Strategy."
(March 18, 2021)
Trend Focused Investor (TFI) starts tracking with 4 new strategies called "TFI S&P 500 Long Only, Long/Short and Nasdaq Long Only and Long/Short."
(March 15, 2021)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. changes the name of one strategy from "ProfitScore - LTSX" to "ProfitScore Equity Advantage Adaptive."
(March 13, 2021)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. ends the tracking of two strategies called "ProfitScore Equity Plus and Equity Max."
(February 26, 2021)
Ramsland Technology changes developer name to Pattern Timing and adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Pattern Timing TQQQ and QLD."
(February 20, 2021)
System Research LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "System Research Bond Signal."
(February 18, 2021)
Equity Defense adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Equity Defense Rocket Profit in Down Days."

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Leveraged Momentum

Monday, May 3, 2021

Uncertainty continues to cause volatility. Is the stimulus causing inflation which will lead to higher interest rates and if so for how long and which sectors will be impacted the most? Which sectors have been permanently impaired by the pandemic and various countermeasures? Which sectors will continue to experience growth and higher earnings? Will we reach regional herd immunity or continue to experience Covid-19 outbreaks?

Our LevBands strategy is holding UPRO and has an order scheduled to sell when it falls to its stop price again (CYA). (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +26.18% for the LevBands strategy since tracking began on 4/27/16).

TQQQTrends remains in TQQQ (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +51.52% since tracking began on 11/24/18).

FNGUTrends remains in FNGU ( TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +535.12% since tracking began on 4/7/20).

Performance data and charts for each of these strategies along with the index of your choice (for comparison) can be obtained on the Graphs page of the TimerTrac site.

Stock Index Timing.com

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Broadly, the proprietary market cycle forecast is positive through July 2021, and then generally negative through November 2022. Based on “Price to Peak Earnings,” the fundamental market valuations are at extreme levels only previously seen at the tops in 1929, and at the dot com bubble peak in 2000.

Based on the cycle forecast and the overvalued condition, Stock Index Timing.com sees the possibility of the US Stock Market completing the 18-month “double” since the S&P 2,500 price level in March of 2020, moving to near S&P 5,000 by mid-2021, then doing a complete 18-month retrace returning to near S&P 2,500 by November 2022.

The new Stock Index Timing.com service looks to move with the market, both long and short, in the short term swings as the market moves up another 20% by mid-2021, then falls 50% into the mid-term elections.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

The US stock market risk rose to a low-risk level of 23%. US tech stock risk closed higher at a low-risk reading of 28%.

The global stock risk rating increased to a low-risk reading of 24%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad global stock risk rating (GSMR) is tracking 101 stock markets of developed and emerging countries (e.g., US stock market).

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Australia's Market

The Australian stock market in the last three weeks has lost momentum and is stalling again. The All-Ord’s index in mid-April finally surpassed its previous high of 7,255.2 on the 20th of February 2020. Last week the All-Ords index fell 0.4%, ending a dismal fortnight. Nevertheless, it is still up 3.9% this month. 

Presently, both the short-to-medium-term trend and the medium-to-long term trend analyses are bullish.

America's Market

America’s S&P500 share index is now strongly bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis. Since the index last bottomed on the 24th of March it is up an amazing 7.5%. But like the Australian All-Ords index, it has stalled for the last fortnight making no advance. Its momentum went negative a week ago.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong. The Coppock is now at its highest level since July 2010.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Scarecrow Trading 

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News 0.3
News Items:

(February 3, 2021)

Developer name changes from W. Wall and Company, Inc to Warren Wall.

(February 1, 2021)
Equity Defense starts tracking with 7 new strategies. Each strategy name indicates the % invested in each fund.
(February 1, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd ends the tracking of four strategies called "Teabull ST Bond Market Premium, ST Gold Market Premium, MT Bond Market Premium, and MT Gold Market Premium."
(January 26, 2021)
OraclePM and The No-Load Fund Advisor, both managed by the same individual, end the tracking of all strategies.
(January 25, 2021)
StockIndexTiming.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "StockIndexTiming."
(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
(December 31, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds four new strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity Plus, Equity Advantage Plus, ST Equity and Treasury Plus, and Equity and Treasury Advantage Plus."
(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."

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Sunday, February 7, 2021

Our gold risk rating (GXAUR) finished higher at a medium risk score of 50%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a relatively high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad gold risk rating (GXAUR) measures the risk of spot gold investments denominated in USD.

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Wall Street had its worst week since October with both the S&P 500 index and the NASDAQ share price indices each falling 3.3%. The All Ords mirrored the souring sentiment falling 2.9% over the last five trading days. The VIX or market fear index jumped in both markets from its recent lows.

Australia's Market: 

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All-Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis. The MACD has gyrated from positive to negative and now back again to positive over the last fortnight.

Since the 20th of October, the All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis. The Coppock has now gone positive for the first time in eight months.

America’s Market:

America’s S&P500 share index remains bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis with its momentum going positive again last Friday. 

The US stock market has been in a general uptrend since undergoing a double pullback of 9.8% and 7.3% respectively last September and October.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Hg Capital Advisors, LLC 

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News 0.3
News Items:

(February 1, 2021)
Equity Defense starts tracking with 7 new strategies. Each strategy name indicates the % invested in each fund.
(February 1, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd ends the tracking of four strategies called "Teabull ST Bond Market Premium, ST Gold Market Premium, MT Bond Market Premium, and MT Gold Market Premium."
(January 26, 2021)
OraclePM and The No-Load Fund Advisor, both managed by the same individual, end the tracking of all strategies.
(January 25, 2021)
StockIndexTiming.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "StockIndexTiming."
(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
(December 31, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds four new strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity Plus, Equity Advantage Plus, ST Equity and Treasury Plus, and Equity and Treasury Advantage Plus."
(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."

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Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Wall Street had its worst week since October with both the S&P 500 index and the NASDAQ share price indices each falling 3.3%. The All Ords mirrored the souring sentiment falling 2.9% over the last five trading days. The VIX or market fear index jumped in both markets from its recent lows.

Australia's Market: 

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All-Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis.  The MACD went positive just over a week ago but has now gone negative again. That reflects the sharp pullback in the All-Ords index in the past three trading days, the biggest fall since last October.

Since the 20th of October, the All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis. the All-Ords index is just 5.3% short of its previous peak on Thursday 20th February 2020.

America’s Market:

America’s S&P500 share index remains bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis, though its momentum has gone negative in the last week.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong. 


Sunday, January 31, 2021

The US Dollar risk score (GUSDR) remained at a high-risk level. The GUSDR finished lower at 81%.
The EUR (GEURR) risk rating closed unchanged at a low-risk reading of 35%.
The cryptocurrency basket risk score increased to a low-risk rating of 16%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad US Dollar risk score (GUSDR) tracks a basket of 14 main US Dollar cross rates, such as the EUR/USD pair.
The broad GEURR monitors a basket of 14 primary EUR cross rates, such as the USD/EUR exchange rate.
Our global cryptocurrencies basket seeks to measure the risk of cryptocurrencies investments denominated in USD.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:


Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(January 25, 2021)
StockIndexTiming.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "StockIndexTiming."
(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
(December 31, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds four new strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity Plus, Equity Advantage Plus, ST Equity and Treasury Plus, and Equity and Treasury Advantage Plus."
(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."

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Monday, January 25, 2021

The global government bond risk benchmark (GBMR) closed higher at a high-risk reading of 88%.
The regional bond risk indication for the US, Canada, and Western Europe increased to a high-risk score of 88%.

Quick info:
A risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad global bond risk rating (GBMR) is tracking sovereign debt issued by the 21 most important countries (e.g., US Treasury Bonds). The GBMR consists of three regional risk ratings.

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Australian All-Ords share price index closed fractionally lower (-0.1%) for the week.

America's S&P 500 share index fell by a heftier 1.5% after posting record highs the week before.

Australian Market

The share index which broke the 7,000 level on Friday 8th January and after drifting sideways for two weeks has now risen above that level. Also, its MACD price momentum has finally gone positive These are both good signs that the market has broken out of its eight weed doldrums.

Since the 20th of October, the All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well and truly over.  Indeed, the All-Ords index is just 2.4% short of its previous peak on Thursday 20th February 2020.

American Market

America’s S&P500 share index shows its recent negative (MACD) momentum went positive again last Wednesday. The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong.

The S&P 500 share index’s 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on the 4th of June confirming the end of America’s bear market and the strength of its V-shaped recovery.  Also, it was such a short flash crash that the index’s long term Coppock momentum indicator never went negative.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

KT Number 

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News 0.3
News Items:

(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
(December 31, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds four new strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity Plus, Equity Advantage Plus, ST Equity and Treasury Plus, and Equity and Treasury Advantage Plus."
(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."

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Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, January 17, 2021

The Australian All-Ords share price index closed fractionally lower (-0.1%) for the week.

America's S&P 500 share index fell by a heftier 1.5% after posting record highs the week before.

Australian Market

The share index which on Friday 8th January broke the 7,000 barriers, has now fallen below that level. Yet its MACD price momentum has become less negative since Christmas, though has still to go positive. Overall, the market has drifted sideways since December 9th

Since the 20th of October, the All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well and truly over.  Indeed, the All-Ords index is just 3.2% shy of its previous peak on Thursday 20th February 2020.

American Market

Unlike the Australian All Ords index, America’s S&P500 share index shows its recent positive (MACD) momentum went negative again on Friday as the market became more concerned about the possibility of ongoing economic lockdowns because of the vaccination rollout and take-up may take longer than originally anticipated.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong. The S&P 500 share index’s 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on the 4th of June confirming the end of America’s bear market and the strength of its V-shaped recovery.  Also, it was such a short flash crash that the index’s long term Coppock momentum indicator never went negative.



Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The US stock market risk rose to a low-risk level of 17%. US tech stock risk closed higher at a low-risk reading of 21%.

The global stock risk rating increased to a low-risk reading of 15%.
The regional stock risk score of the US, Canada, and Western Europe climbed to a low-risk level of 12%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad global stock risk rating (GSMR) is tracking 101 stock markets of developed and emerging countries (e.g., US stock market). The GSMR consists of eight regional stock risk ratings (e.g., for the US, Canada, and Western Europe).

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:


Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
(December 31, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds four new strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity Plus, Equity Advantage Plus, ST Equity and Treasury Plus, and Equity and Treasury Advantage Plus."
(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Our gold risk rating (GXAUR) finished higher at a low-risk score of 13%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a relatively high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad gold risk rating (GXAUR) measures the risk of spot gold investments denominated in USD.

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Australian Market

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis. Its 10-day trend line has stayed above its 30-day one, but its MACD momentum oscillator has been slowing since mid-November and has been negative since the 2nd of December. 

The share index on Friday broke the 7,000 ceiling it last touched on the 17th December and its MACD price momentum is on the cusp of going positive again.

Since the 20th of October, the All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well and truly over.  Indeed, the All-Ords index is just 3.2% shy of its previous peak on Thursday 20th February 2020. 

American Market

America’s Dow Jones share index shows negative (MACD) momentum since 8th December has gone positive in the last two trading days.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong.  The Dow Jones share index’s 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on the 15th July (almost 6 weeks after the S&P 500 index did so) confirming the end of America’s bear market and the strength of its V-shaped recovery. 

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Leveraged Momentum

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News 0.3
News Items:

(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."
(October 26, 2020)
Harloff Capital Management ends the tracking of one strategy called "Harloff University Beta Strategies: US Dollar."
(October 21, 2020)
PING Strategies starts tracking with four strategies called "PING GenX Counter Trend S&P500, Hybrid Momentum Nasdaq 100, Hybrid Momentum S&P 500, and Relative Value."
(October 20, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "Charles Capital Leveraged Nasdaq."

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Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Australian Market

Short-to-Medium-Term Trend Analysis

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis. Its 10-day trend line has stayed above its 30-day one, but its MACD momentum oscillator has been slowing since mid-November and has been negative since the 2nd of December.

Medium-to-Long-Term Trend Analysis

Since the 20th of October, the All Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well behind us.

American Market

The S&P500 share index has experienced a tougher six months than the All-Ords share index. On the 20th of October, it plunged to a low that almost rivaled that of the 23rd of September.  Since then, it has remained strongly bullish on short-to-medium term analysis with its red 10-day trend line well above its green 30-day one.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum is still strong.  The S&P 500 share index’s 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on the 4th of June confirming the end of America’s bear market and its V-shaped recovery.


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The global government bond risk benchmark (GBMR) closed lower at a new low-risk reading of 26%.
The regional bond risk indication for the US, Canada, and Western Europe decreased to a new low-risk indication of 8%.

Quick info:
A risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad global bond risk rating (GBMR) is tracking sovereign debt issued by the 21 most important countries (e.g., US Treasury Bonds). The GBMR consists of three regional risk ratings.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

The TSP Strategist

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News 0.3
News Items:

(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."
(October 26, 2020)
Harloff Capital Management ends the tracking of one strategy called "Harloff University Beta Strategies: US Dollar."
(October 21, 2020)
PING Strategies starts tracking with four strategies called "PING GenX Counter Trend S&P500, Hybrid Momentum Nasdaq 100, Hybrid Momentum S&P 500, and Relative Value."
(October 20, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "Charles Capital Leveraged Nasdaq."

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Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Australian Market

Short-to-Medium-Term Trend Analysis

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis. Its 10-day trend line has stayed above its 30-day one, but its MACD momentum oscillator has been slowing since mid-November and has been negative since the 2nd of December.

Medium-to-Long-Term Trend Analysis

Since the 20th of October, the All Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well and truly over. 

American Market

The S&P500 share index has a rougher six months than the All-Ords share index. On the 20th of October, it plunged to a low that almost rivaled that of the 23rd of September.  Since then, it has remained strongly bullish on short-to-medium term analysis with its red 10-day trend line well above its green 30-day one.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum are still strong. The S&P 500 share index’s 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on the 4th of June confirming the end of America’s bear market and its V-shaped recovery.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Custodio Asset Management

Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."
(October 26, 2020)
Harloff Capital Management ends the tracking of one strategy called "Harloff University Beta Strategies: US Dollar."
(October 21, 2020)
PING Strategies starts tracking with four strategies called "PING GenX Counter Trend S&P500, Hybrid Momentum Nasdaq 100, Hybrid Momentum S&P 500, and Relative Value."
(October 20, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "Charles Capital Leveraged Nasdaq."
(September 21, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd changes the name of six strategies from "Teabull Stock Market ST/MT, Bond Market ST/MT, and Gold Market ST/MT" to "Teabull ST/MT Stock Market Premium, ST/MT Gold Market Premium, and ST/MT Bond Market Premium."
(September 18, 2020)
Two Corner ends the tracking of three strategies called "Two Corner Double Drop, RSI(2) IBS, and Flow Past".
(September 16, 2020)
KMW Timing, LLC ends tracking of one strategy called "KMW Timing TQQQ/SQQQ."
(September 1, 2020)
Michael Hartmann adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Michael Hartmann Maximum Return."

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Sunday, December 13, 2020

The US stock market risk rose to a low-risk level of 22%. US tech stock risk closed higher at a low-risk reading of 20%.

The global stock risk rating increased to a low-risk reading of 17%.
The regional stock risk score of the US, Canada, and Western Europe climbed to a low-risk level of 17%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad global stock risk rating (GSMR) is tracking 101 stock markets of developed and emerging countries (e.g., US stock market). The GSMR consists of eight regional stock risk ratings (e.g., for the US, Canada, and Western Europe).

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Australia's Market

Short-to-Medium-Term Trend Analysis

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis. Its 10-day trend line has stayed above its 30-day one, but its MACD momentum oscillator has been slowing since mid-November and has been negative since the 2nd of December. After peaking last Wednesday, the index pulled back slightly on Thursday and Friday.

Medium-to-Long-Term Trend Analysis

Since the 20th of October 20th, the All Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well and truly over.

America’s Market

The Dow Jones share index has drifted down slightly since peaking on the 4th of December.  For the past four days, it has shown negative momentum on the MACD oscillator. Nevertheless, on short-to-medium term analysis, it remains strongly bullish with its red 10-day trend line well above its green 30-day one.

The US share market’s medium-to-long term trend and momentum are still strong. As can be seen, Dow’s 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on the 15th of July confirming the end of America’s bear market and its V-shaped recovery.

Teabull Asset Timer Ltd

Sunday, December 13, 2020

On Friday, the S&P 500 conquered a mid-day drawdown of 1.0% to rest 0.1 percent lower. Similarly, the
Nasdaq Composite (-0.2%) and Russell 2000 (-0.6%) partially reversed shortfalls. The Dow Jones
Industrial Average (+0.2%), however, finished positively by a small margin.

Walt Disney (DIS 175.72, +21.03, +13.6%) stocks soared a record-breaking 13.6% because of positive
assertions regarding the expansion of its subscription services. This contributed to the rise of the Dow, and
correspondingly the S&P 500 Communication Services sector (+1.2%).

In terms of the wider market, there was a sag despite a record close from the Russell 2000 on Thursday,
after a number of interesting IPOs, and offerings of risky high growth stocks. Contributing to the
slumping market on Friday was the stagnation of stimulus talks and the closing of indoor dining in New
York due to the coronavirus. The energy (-1.2%) and financial (-1.0%) sectors fell behind on Friday, but
buyers invested in the mid-day dip in the second half of the session halting lows.

In a 17-4 vote, the FDA panel recommended that the Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer (PFE 41.12, -0.61, -
1.5%) and BioNTech (BNTX 127.30, -2.24, -1.7%) be quickly approved for Emergency Use Authorization.

We invite you to join our Teabull Free today.

As a Teabull Free subscriber, you will gain access to our award-winning Signals for the major US Stock,
Bond and Gold Miner Indexes! To join Teabull Free please click: Register

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers. 


TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Harloff Capital Management

Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."
(October 26, 2020)
PhD Smart Investing adds one new strategy to be tracked called "PhD Smart Investing Dynamic."
(October 26, 2020)
Harloff Capital Management ends the tracking of one strategy called "Harloff University Beta Strategies: US Dollar."
(October 21, 2020)
PING Strategies starts tracking with four strategies called "PING GenX Counter Trend S&P500, Hybrid Momentum Nasdaq 100, Hybrid Momentum S&P 500, and Relative Value."
(October 20, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "Charles Capital Leveraged Nasdaq."
(September 21, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd changes the name of six strategies from "Teabull Stock Market ST/MT, Bond Market ST/MT, and Gold Market ST/MT" to "Teabull ST/MT Stock Market Premium, ST/MT Gold Market Premium, and ST/MT Bond Market Premium."
(September 18, 2020)
Two Corner ends the tracking of three strategies called "Two Corner Double Drop, RSI(2) IBS, and Flow Past".
(September 16, 2020)
KMW Timing, LLC ends tracking of one strategy called "KMW Timing TQQQ/SQQQ."
(September 1, 2020)
Michael Hartmann adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Michael Hartmann Maximum Return."

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Teabull Asset Timer Ltd

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Every one of the major indices set intraday and closing highs on Friday, as the market remained optimistic in the 2021 recovery narrative despite the mixed November Employment Report.  

In fact, the Russell 2000 rose 2.4 percent, pulling ahead of the S&P 500 (+0.9percent ), Dow Jones Industrial Average (+0.8percent ), and Nasdaq Composite (+0.7%).

Sector gains were paced by the S&P 500 energy industry, which tacked on a second 5.4% gain to its rebound effort.  The Materials (+2.0percent ), Real Estate (+1.3%), and Industrials (+1.2%) sectors were next in line, while the Utilities (-1.0%) and Consumer Discretionary (-0.1percent ) sectors closed reduced. 

The headline jobs data featured a smaller-than-expected 245,000 addition to nonfarm payrolls (Teabullat.com consensus of 725,000) and a 6.7percent unemployment rate (Teabullat.com consensus 6.8%), compared to 6.9percent in October.  Digging deeper, permanent job losses increased by 59,000 to 3.743 million while people out of work for 27 weeks or more accounted for 36.9% of those unemployed in November.

We invite you to join our Teabull Free today. 

As a Teabull Free subscriber, you will gain access to our award-winning Signals for the major US Stock, Bond, and Gold Miner Indexes!

To join Teabull ST Free please click: Register

Leveraged Momentum

Monday, December 7, 2020

Uncertainty continues to cause volatility. When will the vaccines be distributed? Will there be negative side effects? How much will the spikes in travel for Thanksgiving and Christmas contribute to spikes in infections and deaths? Will there be another round of stimulus? Which sectors have been permanently reduced--and which ones have permanently increased in prominence?

Our LevBands strategy bought UPRO recently when it rose to its indicator (buy low). An order is scheduled to sell when it falls to its stop price (CYA. (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +23.09% for the LevBands strategy since tracking began on 4/27/16).

TQQQTrends remains in TQQQ (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +32.20% since tracking began on 11/24/18).
Leveraged FANG (FNGUTrends) is in FNGU (performance data will be referenced 15 days after one year of tracking on TimerTrac which began 4/7/20).

Performance data and charts for each of these strategies along with the index of your choice (for comparison) can be obtained on the Graphs page of the TimerTrac site.


Sunday, December 6, 2020

Our gold risk rating (GXAUR) finished lower at a medium risk score of 44%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a relatively high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad gold risk rating (GXAUR) measures the risk of spot gold investments denominated in USD.

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Australia's Market

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis. Its 10-day trend line has stayed above its 30-day one, but its MACD momentum oscillator has been slowing since mid-November and is now negative. But the share index has picked up since last Monday which if it continues to do so would boost its short-to-medium term momentum.

Since the 20th October 20th, the All Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis because its 30-day trend line has been above its 300-day one. The Coppock momentum indicator confirms the Australian share market crash of February-March (the first crash since 2007-09) is well and truly behind us. 

America’s Market

After experiencing a small pullback between the 16th and 20th November the S&P500 share index has bounced back and reached a new record high last Friday. 

US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum 30-day trendline broke above its 300-day trendline on June 4th confirming the end of America’s bear market and its V-shaped recovery. The bear market itself lasted between the 19th February and the 23rd March and witnessed a fall of 33.9% in the S&P500 share index. Also, the crash was not quite as severe as the average fall of 35.6% for the 26 bear markets since 1928.

If you are an active TimerTrac Developer and would like to submit your commentary to our broadcast, send your submissions to [email protected].  

Please review our broadcast policies before submitting your commentary. *

The TimerTrac Broadcast is an e-mail broadcast available to the public.  Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe to the TimerTrac Broadcast list at any time, free of charge. A subscription to the TimerTrac Broadcast does not include a subscription to TimerTrac.com.  TimerTrac Developers DO NOT see a list of TimerTrac Broadcast subscribers.