TimerTrac Broadcast - Market Timers' View of the Market
TimerTrac Broadcast - Market Timers' View of the Market

TimerTrac Broadcast - Market Timers' View of the Market

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Leveraged Momentum
(Pete Nikolai)

Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(December 29, 2023)
TimingPundit adds three new strategies to be tracked called "TimingPundit Advantage Leveraged, Advantage LS, Advantage - Long."

(October 29, 2023)
QQQTrading.com ends the tracking of "QQQTrading.com Conservative".

(October 2, 2023)
CTMMODEL change the name of their strategy from "CTM Rydex" to "Canary Rydex."

(October 1, 2023)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. ends the tracking of five strategies and adds sevennew strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore - US Treasury - Low Vol, Simple, Simple Plus, Core, Core Plus, ST Equity, and Low Vol."


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Performance Graph

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Australia's Market

Over the last three trading days the Australian All-Ords share index fell 1.7%. Compared with the previous Friday the full week’s fall was 1.3%, which reversed the previous week’s 1.3% rise.

On short-to-medium-term trend analysis, the All-Ords index is bullish. Its price momentum as measured by the MACD oscillator has been positive since the 3 November but last Friday went negative reflecting the market’s pullback in the past three trading days.

On medium-to-long-term trend analysis, the All-Ords index is bullish. The All-Ords Coppock (COP) momentum indicator bottomed at the end of December 2022 and thereafter trended up into positive territory where it dipped slightly in October and then rebounded thereafter.

America's Market

America’s S&P500 share index continues to be bullish on short-to-medium-term trend analysis. But its MACD momentum indicator went sharply negative last week suggesting that Wall Street may have run out of puff for now.

The S&P 500 index’s medium-to-long-term trend went bullish on 14 April 2023. It became more bullish after its 10.3% correction in August to October 2023. The S&P 500 Coppock (COP) momentum indicator turned up at the end of March and thereafter has continued rising and is strongly positive which confirms that the previous US bear market is over.

Teabull Asset Timer Ltd

Friday, January 5, 2024

Gold Market ST (Bullish)

Our Teabull Gold Market ST Oscillator is located slightly above its TBX index. Thus, as of the close of trade on January 5/24 we are on a Short-Term "Bullish" signal for major US Gold Miner Indexes.

Bond Market ST (Bullish)

Our Teabull Bond Market ST Oscillator is located slightly above its TBX index. Thus, as of the close of trade on January 5/24 we are on a Short-Term "Bullish" signal for major US Government Bond Indexes.

Stock Market ST (Bullish)

Our Teabull Stock Market ST Oscillator is located slightly below its TBX index. Thus, as of the close of trade on January 5/24 we are on a Short-Term "Bullish" signal for major US Stock Indexes.

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