TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19
TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Hg Capital Advisors, LLC 

Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(February 1, 2021)
Equity Defense starts tracking with 7 new strategies. Each strategy name indicates the % invested in each fund.
(February 1, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd ends the tracking of four strategies called "Teabull ST Bond Market Premium, ST Gold Market Premium, MT Bond Market Premium, and MT Gold Market Premium."
(January 26, 2021)
OraclePM and The No-Load Fund Advisor, both managed by the same individual, end the tracking of all strategies.
(January 25, 2021)
StockIndexTiming.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "StockIndexTiming."
(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
(December 31, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds four new strategies to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity Plus, Equity Advantage Plus, ST Equity and Treasury Plus, and Equity and Treasury Advantage Plus."
(December 13, 2020)
Looking Glass Strategies ends the tracking of one strategy called "Looking Glass Strategies LLC 4QTiming ETF-2x."
(December 10, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ProfitScore ST Equity - STEQ."
(November 28, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd adds two new strategies to be tracked called "Teabull IT Stock Market Premium and LT Stock Market Premium."
(November 11, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-R."

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Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Wall Street had its worst week since October with both the S&P 500 index and the NASDAQ share price indices each falling 3.3%. The All Ords mirrored the souring sentiment falling 2.9% over the last five trading days. The VIX or market fear index jumped in both markets from its recent lows.

Australia's Market: 

Since bottoming on the 2nd October, the Australian All-Ords share index has been bullish on short-to-medium term trend and momentum analysis.  The MACD went positive just over a week ago but has now gone negative again. That reflects the sharp pullback in the All-Ords index in the past three trading days, the biggest fall since last October.

Since the 20th of October, the All-Ords index has been bullish on medium-to-long-term trend analysis. the All-Ords index is just 5.3% short of its previous peak on Thursday 20th February 2020.

America’s Market:

America’s S&P500 share index remains bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis, though its momentum has gone negative in the last week.

The US share market’s medium-to-long-term trend and momentum remain extraordinarily strong. 


Sunday, January 31, 2021

The US Dollar risk score (GUSDR) remained at a high-risk level. The GUSDR finished lower at 81%.
The EUR (GEURR) risk rating closed unchanged at a low-risk reading of 35%.
The cryptocurrency basket risk score increased to a low-risk rating of 16%.

Quick info:
Generally, a risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad US Dollar risk score (GUSDR) tracks a basket of 14 main US Dollar cross rates, such as the EUR/USD pair.
The broad GEURR monitors a basket of 14 primary EUR cross rates, such as the USD/EUR exchange rate.
Our global cryptocurrencies basket seeks to measure the risk of cryptocurrencies investments denominated in USD.

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