TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd |
(February 20, 2021)
System Research LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "System Research Bond Signal."
(February 18, 2021)
Equity Defense adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Equity Defense Rocket Profit in Down Days."
(February 12, 2021)
(February 3, 2021) Developer name changes from W. Wall and Company, Inc to Warren Wall. (February 1, 2021)
Equity Defense starts tracking with 7 new strategies. Each strategy name indicates the % invested in each fund.
(February 1, 2021)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd ends the tracking of four strategies called "Teabull ST Bond Market Premium, ST Gold Market Premium, MT Bond Market Premium, and MT Gold Market Premium."
(January 26, 2021)
OraclePM and The No-Load Fund Advisor, both managed by the same individual, end the tracking of all strategies.
(January 25, 2021)
StockIndexTiming.com starts tracking with one new strategy called "StockIndexTiming."
(January 6, 2021)
Leveraged Momentum changes the name of a strategy from "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum" to "FNGUTrends from Leveraged Momentum."
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Sunday, February 21, 2021 The global government bond risk benchmark (GBMR) closed higher at a high-risk reading of 93%. |
Sunday, February 21, 2021 Australia's Market: The All Ords share index fell by 0.2% between Friday 12th and Friday19th February. Last Friday the All-Ords index was just 2.6% shy of its previous historic high on Thursday 20th February 2020. If the All Ords surpasses its former peak, then the current bear cycle is officially over. But for the last month it has struggled to achieve that feat. America's Market: The US stock market has been in a general uptrend since suffering a double pullback of 9.8% and 7.3% respectively last September and October. A four-day slump at the end of January broke that dream run, but since then the market resumed its surge but for the small pullback last week. America’s S&P500 share index remains bullish on short-to-medium term trend analysis with both its trend and momentum strengthening last week. |
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