TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19
TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight:

Q5 Research

Broadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(October 21, 2020)
PING Strategies starts tracking with four strategies called "PING GenX Counter Trend S&P500, Hybrid Momentum Nasdaq 100, Hybrid Momentum S&P 500, and Relative Value."
(October 20, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC ends the tracking of one strategy called "Charles Capital Leveraged Nasdaq."
(September 21, 2020)
Teabull Asset Timer Ltd changes the name of six strategies from "Teabull Stock Market ST/MT, Bond Market ST/MT, and Gold Market ST/MT" to "Teabull ST/MT Stock Market Premium, ST/MT Gold Market Premium, and ST/MT Bond Market Premium."
(September 18, 2020)
Two Corner ends the tracking of three strategies called "Two Corner Double Drop, RSI(2) IBS, and Flow Past".
(September 16, 2020)
KMW Timing, LLC ends tracking of one strategy called "KMW Timing TQQQ/SQQQ."
(September 1, 2020)
Michael Hartmann adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Michael Hartmann Maximum Return."
(August 31, 2020)
ReturnStream LLC adds one new strategy to be tracked called "ReturnStream DIVERSIFIED."
(August 28, 2020)
Michael Hartmann starts tracking with four strategies called "Michael Hartmann Rapid Response-Equity, Rapid Response-Bonds, Daily ETF, and Timed Sectors."
(August 27, 2020)
Pickens Asset Management adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Pickens Asset Management Hybrid."

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Sunday, October 25, 2020

The global government bond risk benchmark (GBMR) closed higher at a new medium risk reading of 43%.
The regional bond risk indication for the US, Canada, and Western Europe increased to a low-risk indication of 25%.

Quick info:
A risk level equal to or above 60% indicates a rather high-risk and unfavorable market environment.

The comprehensive and broad global bond risk rating (GBMR) is tracking sovereign debt issued by the 21 most important countries (e.g., US Treasury Bonds). The GBMR consists of three regional risk ratings.

Quantified Market Psychology (QMP)

Thursday, October 29, 2020

On the 28th of October 2020 the QMP (Quantified Market Psychology)-strategy gave a new signal. The new signal included the following specifications:

1. Basic:
The QMP-signal distributes its allocations between:
- Cash/MoneyMarketFund (neutral positioning)
- TLT (short positioning)
- SPY (long positioning)

2. Long/Short/Cash:
The actual signal favors "Cash (MMF)" over "TLT" and "TLT" over "SPY". Both "TLT" and "SPY" had been reduced.
(The actual percentages are reserved for subscribers of the signal).

3. Leverage:
As we expected in our last timertrac-broadcast, Volatility continued to rise. Thus, leverage is kept at 1.0 (Meaning: no leverage).

4. Single Stocks:
From the QMP-analyses of single stocks, it shows that:
some that have been too low priced are: CB
and some that have been too high priced are DIN, MSFT, FEYE, HESS, AKAM, WYND, ANTM, BSX, EAT

5. Specials:
- As we are now in earnings season, expect the next QMP-signal to develop fast (approx. 2 weeks).

- The new subscription fee for the signal is now 20$ per month or 200$ per year for individual investors.

Market Timing in Australia

Sunday, October 25, 2020

The All Ords share index’s 30-day trend line surpassed its 300-day trendline suggesting it’s “all over rover” for the bear market.  When the Coppock momentum indicator turns up it should confirm that the crash of February/March is behind us and the market’s bull rally since March 23rd is supported not only by trend analysis but also momentum analysis.

On short-to-medium-term trend analysis, the All Ords index remains bullish, but its momentum is slowing. Its 10-day trendline sits comfortably above its 30-day one, but it MACD oscillator while still positive is quickly losing momentum.

Since Wall Street’s NYSE has such a big influence on Bligh Street’s ASX, it’s worth noting that America’s S&P500 index while still bullish is less so than Australia’s All Ords index. Indeed, its MACD momentum oscillator went negative two trading days ago.  The reason for this is that the US market is in animated suspension while awaiting the outcome of the Presidential and Congressional elections on November 3rd which will decide the course America takes over the next four years.

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