TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19
TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

TimerTrac Broadcast – Market Timers’ View Amid Covid-19

Broadcast ScriptTimerTrac Developer Spotlight: 

The No-Load Fund AdvisorBroadcast Script

News 0.3
News Items:

(May 12, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC ends the tracking of four strategies called "Charles Capital Mega, High, Moderate, and Conservative Growth" and adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Charles Capital Leveraged Nasdaq."
(May 11, 2020)
Lighthouse Financial starts tracking with two strategies called "Lighthouse QQQ and Portfolio Protection Strategy CS."
(May 7, 2020)
ProfitScore Capital Management, Inc. ends the tracking of three strategies called "ProfitScore - ETMS, RDEX, and THS."
(April 28, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend adds one new strategy to be tracked called "AheadOfTheTrend Strike-A."
(April 5, 2020)
Leveraged Momentum adds one new strategy to be tracked called "Leveraged FANG from Leveraged Momentum."
(March 26, 2020)
KMW Timing, LLC adds one new strategy to be tracked called "KMW Timing SITTS TQQQ/SQQQ." 
(March 20, 2020)
Charles Capital LLC starts tracking with four strategies called "Charles Capital Mega, High, Moderate, and Conservative Growth."
(March 20, 2020)
AheadOfTheTrend ends the tracking of one strategy called "AheadOfTheTrend Strike."
(March 14, 2020)
The Scary Guy Report ends the tracking of one strategy called "The Scary Guy Report Investment Portfolio."
(March 6, 2020)
RISXX Inc. starts tracking with two strategies called "RISXX US Stock Risk Strategy and Rating."

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Performance Graph

Leveraged Momentum

Monday, May 18, 2020

Investors continue to gamble that a vaccine will be developed quickly and that steps to open businesses will not trigger another spike in infections requiring renewed quarantine measures which impair future earnings.

Our LevBands strategy is currently in UPRO after another whipsaw recently due to volatility and uncertainty (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of +16.93% for the LevBands strategy since tracking began on 4/27/16).  LevCrosses remains in UPRO (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of -13.55% since tracking began on 4/10/18).

TQQQTrends remains in TQQQ (TimerTrac shows an annualized return of -2.04% since tracking began on 11/24/18).
UPROTrends will sell TMF and buy UPRO when it rises to its buy indicator (buy low; TimerTrac shows an annualized return of -10.01% since tracking began on 3/25/19).

LevIndex is invested 25% in UPRO and 75% in TMF (performance data will be referenced 15 days after one year of tracking on TimerTrac which began 9/16/19).  Leveraged FANG (FNGUTrends) is in FNGU (performance data will be referenced 15 days after one year of tracking on TimerTrac which began 4/7/20).

Performance data and charts for each of these strategies along with the index of your choice (for comparison) can be obtained on the Graphs page of the TimerTrac site.

Market Timing in Australia

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Australian stock market has been drifting sideways since mid-April, while the American market has had a slight upward bias since then. On short term trend and momentum analysis, the Australian market is on the cusp of switching from being bearish to bullish even though it’s meandering sideways. By contrast, the US market went short term bullish after mid-April. 

America’s stock market’s outperformance against the rest of the world continues to widen largely because tech stocks are concentrated in the USA and have bounced back quicker than other stocks. In Australia’s case, the market is buoyed by our success in suppressing COVID-19 which is allowing the economy to be gradually reopened. But offsetting that is China’s decision to redirect its imports of beef and barley from Australia to Russia and the USA. Also, China’s Ambassador has warned that Chinese consumers, tourists, and students might boycott Australia because it is no longer perceived as China-friendly.

Given that the 2020 Global Covenomics Crisis is the worst since the Great Depression, don’t be surprised if the RBA is forced to take a bigger role in the future. Already the US Federal Reserve in the last few months has accelerated QE at a rate never seen before. By contrast, the RBA has been the most conservative central bank in the developed world in terms of monetary expansion relative to GDP.

This has meant the Australian Treasury has had to be the most radical in the world in terms of fiscal expansion to offset the fall in private spending associated with the lockdown. Australia’s fiscal relief measures amount to 10.6% of annual GDP, more than five times the average effort of all countries. 

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